St. Joseph Cottolengo
"A Mysterious Benefactress"

St. Joseph Cottolengo lived in Italy during the early 1800’s. His zealous care for the sick and the neglected won for him the honorable title of the ‘Italian Vincent de Paul.’ As great a love as he had for the needy, all flowing from his intense love for God, so also did he possess a strong and lively faith in God.

So complete was his trust in God, that St. Joseph opened up a "little house of Divine Providence," where everything entirely depended on, and came from, God’s bounty. As Our Lord has often told His Saints, the more we concern ourselves with God’s affairs, the more He will "concern" Himself with ours. And this was certainly the case with St. Joseph Cottolengo.

On one occasion, the holy priest decided to send one of the nuns, who assisted in his work for the poor, out to get some provisions. The sister listened unhappily to her instructions. She was not eager to fulfill her assignments.

"At every shop you want to send me to, we owe money," the nun complained. "They won’t give us anything and will send me off with insults!"