St. Hilary of Poitiers
"A Royal Bridegroom"
We find a rare and interesting circumstance in the life of St. Hilary, a Father of the Church and the Bishop of Poitiers, France. Having been married in his youth, this holy man became a bishop after his wife had died. As it happened, he had one child from his marriage. Thus there was an unusual instance when a bishop was also the father of a girl. His daughter's name was Apra.

Because of his holy zeal and defense for the Catholic faith, St. Hilary soon won many enemies and was banished to Asia. He, sadly therefore had to leave his daughter behind, under the care of a Catholic family. As soon as his daughter was grown up, it was proposed that she marry a certain Catholic youth.

Apra wrote of all this to her exiled father, seeking his advice and permission. She received a letter from him, in which he answered: “I shall soon be returning home, and then I will show you the portrait of another suitor, the son of a king; he will come himself later on to ask you to celebrate your wedding with Him. You can then compare the two and take whichever of them you prefer.” With this new additional interest, the girl eagerly awaited her beloved father's return.