Welcome! There are a total of 15 questions. Different age groups require different totals of correct answers to win the contest.

Age Group 7 & under 8-11 12-14 15 & up
Minimum # 4 7 10 13

To find the answers to the Questions Contest, you must look through the Catholic Kingdom. We recommend that you download the PDF listing the questions (see link below) so that you can access them as you explore the Kingdom for answers.

Remember, searching for the answers may take some time. You may want to have all your answers together before you start to fill out the form. For safety, keep a written or digital copy of your answers as you find them. Because, if this page/ the answer form window is closed for any reason before you click the submit button, you will have to answer all those questions again.

When you have filled in enough questions for your age group use the "Submit" button to send them to us. You will notice at the end of the questions is your necessary entry registration form. Please be sure to fill this in as well. If you need to, see Rules and Regulations for instructions on submitting these items.